Registration Info: 
Sign up your team by registering with IMleagues.
Click "Here" for directions on how to register.
Co-Ed leagues will be available
Competitive and Recreational leagues will be available
Select the days (Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur) you want to play each week. Games may also be played on Sunday's depending on the number of teams that register.
Game times are between 5:00-11:00pm. Scheduled on the hour for an hour.
QUIZES: Captains must pass the Captain's Quiz online before they can register a team.
Players must pass the Player's Quiz before they can join a team an participate.
$20 forfeit fee must be paid between 1-5pm on Wed. September 10th, 2014 in the Intramural office to be officially registered to play. NO FEE, NO PLAY.
League Info:
Men's 7 v. 7
Co-Ed 8 v. 8 (4 male, 4 female)
7-8 games played over 4 weeks. Single elimination playoff will follow regular season. Number of games may changed, depending on the number of teams registered.
Play begins September 15th, 2014 for the Fall Season and March 30th, 2014 for the Spring Season.
All games will be played at Upper Campus on the Recreation Fields or in Redman Stadium.
Team/Player Info:
VARSITY TEAM MEMBERS: A varsity squad member is any individual participating in intercollegiate contests attending regular practice, whose name appears on the official squad list, or who has won a letter at a recognized college. The active squad rosters on the date of the first varsity contest shall be used to determine intramural eligibility.
Interpretations: Included as a varsity squad member are red shirts, junior varsity players, and freshmen. Anyone who works out with an intercollegiate team and/or retains a locker and equipment is also ineligible for the same or "like" sport. Any student receiving athletic grant-in-aid assistance shall be ineligible to compete in intramurals in the same or "like" sport responsible for such assistance. Once considered a varsity squad member, you are one for the entire school year unless you have been dropped from the squad list and are no longer playing or practicing with the team. You must drop before the second intercollegiate contest for varsity members or before the second junior varsity contest for junior varsity players.
FORMER VARSITY MEMBERS: A former varsity player is defined as a student who has been listed on a “school's varsity squad list” for any 2-year or 4-year college/university team for more than one academic year: They will be considered a "former varsity member" for a period of two (2) academic years following the completion of the academic year in which s/he received his/her award.
A student who has been a member of a varsity team at a four-year college or university in a particular sport is eligible for intramural competition in that or its related sport during the next academic year. The fall term is considered the start of the next academic year. Teams affected by this rule are limited to two (2) players on their team roster and must play in the highest available division for the league. Graduates or transfers from community colleges are also affected by this rule.
Any full time undergraduate or graduate BU student andfaculty/staff with a membership to the SRC are eligible to play.
All players must bring their BU ID to play every week. NO CARD, NO PLAY.
Flag Football Strategies & Plays:
This is designed as a teaching tool for learning the basic fundamentals of flag football along with some basic plays. It is not designed to guarantee success, but hopefully by checking this page out you will become more familiar with some of the strategies involved in playing the game. However, the information presented will not be effective if your team does not practice and work together. History has shown that all of the successful teams practice routinely.
IM Rules:
Check out the IM General Rules
Check out Football Rules
CONGRATULATIONS! Flag Football Team Wins Region I Regional 2012
Qualifies for National Championships hosted by University of Central Florida

CONGRATULATIONS! Flag Football Team Wins Region I Regional 2011
Qualifies for National Championships hosted by Texas A&M

Sitting: Tony Peregrin
Kneeling: Wallace Jamison, Braheem Ford, Bobby Chorpenning, Stephen Rossi, TJ Jones
Standing: Tobin Adams (Coach), Joey Britto (Tournament MVP), Je'Vough Smith, Keith Weidemoyer, Josh Encarnacion (Coach) Khristian Mayfield